Many individuals have experienced credit card debt over the years. In the age of convenience, credit cards can have various benefits and may be easy to obtain. Unfortunately, if a person fails to make payments on time the situation can quickly become overwhelming. When facing a similar circumstances, people in Maryland may want to consider filing for consumer bankruptcy.
In some cases, a person may seek to escape debt by initiating a budget and/or exploring debt settlement. While these may be viable options for some, credit card debt can pile up in a hurry, and a more permanent solution may be in order. With so many options, knowing which decision to make can be challenging, but delaying the decision may prove detrimental in the long run.
When facing personal debt, individuals may feel as though it is a good idea to liquidate accounts in order to catch up. Unfortunately, many individuals over the years have depleted accounts under similar circumstances, and remained in debt in the process. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, certain assets may be exempt, and depleting any accounts beforehand is ill-advised. Considering available options may save a person from making decisions that are detrimental to his or her financial future.
Some individuals may want to avoid filing for consumer bankruptcy, but in some cases it can lead to a better financial situation over time. An individual in Maryland who is facing substantial amounts of credit card debt may find it beneficial to speak with an experienced attorney for advice on available options. A bankruptcy attorney can assist a person throughout the process and help obtain the most favorable outcome with regard to the future.
Source:, “How to dig yourself out of debt”, Elizabeth O’Brien, Accessed on March 12, 2017