People struggling to stay on top of their debt may have a mix of different types of bills to pay. These may include medical bills, credit card debt, automobile loans and more. Not every type of debt is the same and consumers should learn about the two primary forms of...
Month: July 2020
Can extra mortgage payments help avoid foreclosure?
If you experience a boost in your personal fortunes thanks to a job raise or an inheritance, you may decide now is a good time to pay more on your mortgage so you can finish paying it off more quickly. While paying off your mortgage faster can be a good thing, making...
Car repossessed? Bankruptcy may still make sense.
Having a car repossessed due to missed loan payments can make a troubling situation feel impossible to overcome. If a lender repossesses a vehicle, is there any point in still filing bankruptcy? Oftentimes, yes, and quickly if one hopes to get the car back. Many...
New Reorganization Bankruptcy Option for Small Business Debtors
There is a brand new streamline Chapter 11 case for a small business debtor reorganization case. Subchapter V of Chapter 11 allows a streamline approach for business reorganizations that is a hybrid between an individual Chapter 13 case and a more involved Chapter 11...
The emotional effects of living with debt
Not all debt is bad. In fact, some debt increases your net worth or has future value - like taking out a mortgage. But even if your debt isn’t necessarily the bad kind, it still doesn’t feel good to live with. The average American household has $134,643 in debt, and...