While living with a certain amount of debt has become something of an expectation for many Americans, if that debt grows out of control an unstable financial future might be right around the corner. With credit cards, medical debt, mortgages, vehicle loans and...
Month: May 2021
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Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13 bankruptcy: which one might be best for you?
As we have discussed before in this blog, the main options for personal bankruptcy protection for people in Maryland are called Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both forms of bankruptcy have the same goal of getting you out of debt and giving you and...
How is a mortgage modification different from forbearance?
Your current mortgage servicer may offer forbearance, which allows you to delay or temporarily halt monthly payments. Some plans, however, may increase your interest rate or require a balloon payment when the term expires. As reported by USA Today, approximately 2.2...