When dealing with debt, the last thing you want on top of this already profound stress is the pestering of debt collectors. While debt collector harassment often gets a lot of press, that is not only wrong they can do. Debt collector misrepresentation is another big...
Month: July 2021
How to handle credit card debt as a recent graduate
As a recent graduate, you are likely trying to manage your money and debt as you leave your college days behind and go into your new career. When you plan your budget including your new income and expenses, you will need to account for any credit card debt you carry. ...
How long may it take to pay debts through a Chapter 13 plan?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is available for filers who earn regular income. As noted by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, if you qualify, a Maryland bankruptcy court may work with you to create a payment plan that typically lasts between three and five years....
Will I lose my home to Chapter 7?
It is well known that there are two kinds of personal bankruptcy in the United States: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. However, it is not necessarily a choice which one that you will file. It is your income that determines whether you file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13. In...