As inflation continues to rise, it can be difficult not to use your credit cards. After all, the goods and services you use every single day are presumably more expensive than ever. Still, if you cannot pay off your credit cards monthly, you may notice an immediate...
Month: January 2022
Why should you track credit card spending?
Credit cards get a bad rap because a lot of people do not understand how to responsibly use them. However, the strategic use of credit cards can benefit you in a number of ways including helping you to build rapport with lenders. Tracking your credit card spending can...
Your trustee’s role during a chapter 7 bankruptcy
When you file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will be working with a bankruptcy trustee. This person will have a great deal of leverage in your case, so it helps to understand what his or her role is. Your trustee will monitor your case, recover property from your...
When may bankruptcy discharge my unpaid medical debts?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy may discharge most consumer debts including your outstanding medical bills. According to the U.S. Census data, about one out of every five U.S. households has unpaid medical debts. As reported by, health care expenses contributed to...