If you are facing insurmountable amounts of credit card debt, the first thing that you need is a plan. Having a solid financial plan in place for dealing with your debt will help you get it under control so you can move forward into a stable financial future. One...
Year: 2020
How does a business qualify for a Subchapter V bankruptcy?
The Small Business Reorganization Act created Subchapter V, which allows smaller companies to file for bankruptcy without liquidating their assets. Your business may file a petition if you reasonably anticipate remaining open while reorganizing your liabilities....
What is the debt snowball method?
There are a multitude of “clever” tips and tricks to get out of debt fast, but the reality is that getting out of credit card debt is much more like a marathon than a sprint. Whatever method you choose to deal with your debt, you will be managing the situation for...
Could I be responsible for my partner’s debt?
Whether you are facing a divorce, learn of a partner’s spending habits or are considering how marrying someone with credit card debt may affect your finances, you want to know how Maryland considers debt for couples. As the State Law Library explains, generally, you...
How can you eliminate your credit card debt?
If you are like many Americans, you have higher credit card debt than you would like. On average, credit card holders have $15,000 in debt, according to the Huffington Post. When it comes to any amount of credit card debt, people want to know how to pay it off. How...
How can you modify your home loan?
Facing financial hardships can force you to stretch your money. If you have a high mortgage, financial issues could mean the difference between staying in your home or foreclosing on it. Forbes provides ways to create a manageable home loan. Extend the length of your...
What is the 341 meeting and why is it important to attend?
If you are planning to file for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy protection, you must attend the 341 meeting. This is an important stop on your way to a brighter financial future. Each person you meet here will have an interest in the outcome of your bankruptcy....
Why do people think credit card balances increase credit scores?
One of the most damaging myths out there is that carrying a balance on your credit cards directly increases your credit score. An interest-bearing balance does not improve your score. It is not necessary to establish a credit history. It does not give you points with...
How are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies different?
Many residents of Maryland have a hard time staying on top of their bills and finances. If you are among them, you may be thinking about filing for personal bankruptcy. Most who do so move forward with either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 filing, but there are some key...
A deed in lieu of foreclosure may stop foreclosure
When faced with foreclosure on a home, any idea may sound like a good idea. Is a deed in lieu of foreclosure one worth pursuing or will it only cause more problems for homeowners? Honestly, getting a bank to agree to a deed in lieu of foreclosure may prove difficult...