If you have started thinking that you should file bankruptcy in Maryland, you should quit using your credit cards. Why? Because Bloomberg News reports that the Bankruptcy Code, specifically, Section 513(a)(2)(C)(1), sets forth a presumption against recent credit card...
Good spending habits means a better life
Millions of Americans find themselves overspending each month. If you can count yourself as one of them, you no doubt want to find ways to keep living the lifestyle you’re comfortable with, but keep your checking account out of the red. The truth is, with some...
How can I manage holiday spending and avoid credit card debt?
Overspending during the holidays can feel like an inevitability. As much as you try to stick to a budget, you end up spending more than you anticipated. While it may feel good in the moment to be giving gifts to your loved ones, the long-term effect of debt can be...
Is student loan debt holding you back?
For the vast majority of American’s, debt is the price of admission to the American Dream. From a young age, we are sold the idea that financial stability in the future is not possible without an astronomical investment in your education today. College is thought to...